I get not everybody likes Ramen noodles. In fact, I haven't eaten them in decades but it's not because I don't like them - it's because I DO like them but the nutritional value left with my youth in the late 90's. The sodium levels were just something I chose not to include in my adult diet. Now that I have children who can purchase their own groceries (I said CAN, as in they have the ability from time to time), they come home with forbidden foods like: Doritos, energy drinks, box mac n cheese, nutella, and top ramen. I'll be honest - when I smell that delicious salty smell of artificial chicken it brings me back to my Lakeland College dorm room at 3am. I can hear the click click click of the word processor and the whir of the microwave as my delicious breakfast was being made. Thanks for that moment... Here I am, nearly 50, and I honestly miss those carefree years. Well, to my sweet surprise, there's now a thing called IMMI and they taut themselves as a del...
How are you doing on your health goals Crystal? How about your life goals? How about your mental health? How about your work career goals? Seriously, who are YOU and why are you asking? Those questions seem fair enough when I'm on social media talking about authenticity, right? Well let me be perfectly honest and authentic with you right now - and I'll start from the bottom up: My toenail literally removed itself from my foot I stubbed it so hard last week My knees ache because it's 33 degrees BELOW zero and I'm fat I haven't shaved my legs in days (see note about how cold it is) I just took down my Christmas tree (not sure what that has to do with anything on my body - but there you go) and I'm still sad about the lack of merry-ness in my life My butt is smaller than I'd like and my stomach is larger that I'd like (I remember being in 4th grade and my mother told me I looked pregnant...I was too young then, and now I'm too old - I think it's on...